Melbourne, Australia • +61 431414548 • [email protected]
Dedicated DevSecOps engineer with 5+ years of experience. Microsoft Certified Professional. Regularly recognised for contributions to the business. Looking for new challenges and a chance to make a difference.
Through my years at Telstra Purple I have worked as an internal DevSecOps engineer. Having spent time on all sides of the team as it has grown and rediscovered itself, I have become the go to subject matter expert for all things internal. In my role as Technical Lead of Cloud and Infrastructure Engineering, I provide technical leadership and guidance to my team while remaining a productive contributor to the backlogs and support queues.
Recently my work has had a focus on identity. I have done numerous Single Sign-On configurations using SAML2 and OpenID Connect. More broadly I have been working on an access management strategy across the business. This includes the use of AzureAD Security Groups, Access Packages, and Privileged Identity Management to provide users with Just Enough access, Just In-Time access, and proactive access.
I have extensive experience automating business processes and ETL (Export, Transform, Load) processes using primarily PowerShell, Azure Automation, and Azure Function Apps. Additionally I am proficient in the use of Logic Apps, Event Grid, and Power Apps. I am a leading expert within the business on PowerShell and maintain a few open-source modules available on the PowerShell Gallery.
A specialty of mine is consuming various types of APIs. I am most proficient with RESTful APIs like those using OData, but have also worked extensively with SOAP APIs and a bit with GraphQL.
Practices like Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Infrastructure as Code form the backbone of my professional approach. I start most projects by creating a skeleton Azure Resource Manager Template and Azure Pipeline to deploy it.